Tuesday 22 November 2011

Day 145: It's shit.


Just getting the shit bit over and done with so I can move on to happier things... like the Arthritis Research UK 75th Anniversary Lantern Opera last Thursday. Not only was I lucky enough to be invited but I was also honoured to be asked to speak - to explain to the guests what it is like to be a young person with arthritis. I was tempted to just stand up and scream, "IT'S SHIT" at the top of my voice... but in the end I decided that I should probably at least attempt to come up with something slightly more articulate. 

As if I wasn't nervous enough I was also completely out of my comfort zone - this was by far the poshest do I have ever attended in my 24 years of life. To give you some idea of just how posh, I was sat next to someone with the title 'Rt Hon'. RT HON. Fortunately watching the Titanic finally paid off and I remembered to use my cutlery from the outside in. I also brought along moral support in the form of fellow arthritis warrior Sam and BFF Dani. 

So here it is. I even got the phrase "it's shit" in in the end, to some awkward laughter from the posh peeps. But the truth is, there isn't any other word for it. 'Rubbish' just doesn't do it justice.

Cat x

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