Sunday 5 January 2014

2013: A review

As I logged on to write my annual review of the last year of my life I actually let out a little gasp as I realised my last post was written back in August 2013. I knew I'd been away for a while, I just hadn't realised quite how long that while was. As well as taking maternity leave from my job I also decided to take maternity leave from my blog. It's just a shame that I can't take maternity leave from arthritis, too, but I'll save that whinge for another time. 

Before I remind you (and myself) about the highlights of my twelfth year of living with arthritis, I thought I'd share my New Year's resolutions with you all:

1. Lose baby weight. 
2. Stop eating so many doughnuts in order to stand a chance at achieving point 1. 
3. Be well enough to reduce steroid dose in order to stand a chance at achieving point 1.
3. Get better at updating blog. 

And so to the main reason for this blog post. Inevitably there have been bad times as well as good, mainly due to pain but with a few weeks of serious morning sickness thrown in for good measure. However, some amazing things have happened that mean that life right now, despite the pain, couldn't be better. 

- Getting through my last year of university.

- A much needed holiday.

- A marathon with a difference. 

- A pregnancy. 

- A new home. 

- Becoming a doctor. 

- Agreeing to marry my best friend.

- Great times with great friends. 

- Isla Rose Wade. 

- Going another year without letting this bitch of a disease defeat me. 

Happy New Year!

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