Tuesday 18 October 2011

Day 110: Cat 1 - 0 Arthritis

Right, who had their money on six days? If you did, give yourself a medal. 

Having had six days pain free I awoke on Sunday morning to find my feet were sore and swollen. The type of pain I get varies from joint to joint - shoulder pain feels nothing like wrist pain and knee pain feels nothing like jaw pain... you get the idea. Imagine what your feet feel like after standing up for 12 hours straight and then add in cramp at the same time... that is the best way of describing what my ankles feel like at present. This is making driving, standing, and walking problematic at the moment. But hey, I like a challenge. Now I realise that some of you are probably reading this with your sad, pity eyes thinking 'poor Cat, only six days pain free.' Well put those sad, pity eyes away. Seriously. Six days might seem like nothing to most of you, but six days of zero pain for someone who has been in pain every single day for 10 years is a dream come true. I'm not going to lie, I was a little bit disappointed to find it hadn't lasted longer (like, say, forever) but that was six whole days (medication aside) of feeling like a 'normal' twenty-something year old that I can add to my achievements. Cat 1, Arthritis 0.

Cat x


Ray said...

I have ankylosing spondylitis, I was recommended your bog through a mutual friend, I just wanted to say how much your blog has helped me put stuff in perspective! You are seriously pretty amazing :)

Cat said...

Hi Ray,
I'm really glad it has helped you. When I started writing the blog as well as raising awareness of my condition I hoped it would show other sufferers that it doesn't have to stop you living life to the full and that you're not alone - I know only too well that living with chronic illness can be a very lonely place sometimes! Hope you are still enjoying the blog :)