Thursday 10 November 2011

Day 133: Tramadol, you bitch.

In exactly 5 months and 11 days I will be doing this...

...AGAIN. Mama Bull is going to kill me. On 22nd April 2012 I will be attempting to run the London Marathon for the 4th year in a row. Yes, I'm slightly insane. But there's also a very good reason why I am doing this - to fund research into new treatments for arthritis and to raise awareness of the disease and its effects at the same time. Plus there's also the great pleasure I take in being able to stick two fingers up to my disease as I hobble over the finish line. 

I'm hoping for a slight improvement on last time. I hadn't been able to do any training because I'd been too ill, and it was touch and go as to whether I was even going to make it to the start line let alone the finish line. By mile 12 I was ready to give up but my brother, Patrick - determined not to have got up at ridiculous o'clock on a Sunday just to watch me fail - climbed over the barriers and walked the rest of it with me in his shorts and plimsolls. If it wasn't for him (and the swig of cider I had at mile 16) I would not have made it to the end. I was then pretty much carried over the finish line by my dear friends Matt Cecil and Zoe 'the crowd loved me' Peel. Surely this time round can't get any worse than that...right? 

Also this week I started my paediatrics placement (that's kids, not feet by the way). As I may have mentioned once or twice, I've been pain free for a while now. It seems this has apparently turned me into a massive baby. Yesterday I woke up with some pain in my wrists. This is normal for someone with RA, and after 10 years I am well and truly used to it. However, after a couple weeks of no pain my ego had apparently decided  I'm now above putting up with a little bit of pain and I thought, 'I'm not taking any of this crap today'. So I took some Tramadol. Rookie error. Since I haven't had to take Tramadol for a while now, my body has become un-used to it and consequently I had a spectacular reaction. I'm talking fainting and vomming out of my nose and everything...right in the middle of the kids' ward. Mortified doesn't even cover it. Needless to say I won't be making that mistake again any time soon. 

In other news I have been trying to add a bit of humour to my speech for the ARUK 75th Anniversary Lantern Opera next week. As it turns out I'm not a very funny person. My friends said, "Surely you must have some funny anecdotes from when you were younger?" Oh yeah, of course, remember that time I was in so much pain I couldn't get out of bed, LOL?...maybe not. It seems arthritis is almost as unfunny as me. 

Anyway, I better get to the gym... apparently I have 26.2 miles to run or something.

Cat x

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